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Caring for our goats
Our goats need fresh water everyday. Can you help fill the bucket?

Digging for worms
Our kindergarten/primary class learning about how worms help our earth!

Caring for our goats
Our goats need fresh water everyday. Can you help fill the bucket?
At First Discoveries, our goal is to support and nurture children’s development through high quality early learning programs that focus on creativity, collaboration and problem-solving. We believe that children learn best in a caring, supportive environment in which they have opportunities to make choices and interact with teachers, with other children, and with interesting materials. We know that the early years create a lasting foundation upon which all future learning will be built.

Early Learning Programs to Serve Your Family:
Preschool/VPK Class for preschool age children (three and four-year-olds)
Private School Program for kindergarten and primary ages
Part-time PEP and PEP Hybrid programs for kindergarten and primary ages
Summer Camp for children ages 3 to 10
FREE Summer VPK Program for children entering kindergarten
Visit today to learn the difference First Discoveries can make for your family!
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